Growing Chili: Beautiful Apocalypse Scorpion Chocolate
Apocalypse Scorpion Chocolate
Apocalypse Scorpion Chocolate is supposed to be a really hot chili pepper. This year I have grown one plant of this variety. It is a Capsicum Chinense and the peppers that have ripen, on my plant, get a beautiful brown color (see photo of the chili with its nice brown color). In this post, you will find some information of C. Chinense and Apocalypse Scorpion Chocolate. On top of that you will find images of the beautiful Apocalypse Scorpion Chocolate peppers.
Actually, I never planned growing this chili pepper but I got 5 seeds of Apocalypse Scorpion Chocolate free in my order the last spring. Therefore, I thought that I would give it a try to germinate one seed (for all my seeds this year I put them in between some wet organic kitchen paper and put in zip lock bags). Oh well, enough about that! In the next paragraph I will provide some brief information on the species and the variety.

Capsicum Chinense & Apocalypse Scorpion
Chinense chilies are typically very hot (the world’s hottest pepper, Bhut Jolokia aka “Ghost Pepper”, is of this variety) and have a fruity taste. Some of the Chinense varieties can be placed in the shadow (e.g., habanero). They do grow very slow and prefer high humidity.
As for now, I can’t find any information about the Scoville of Apocalypse Scorpion Chocolate. It is supposed to be insanely hot, however. Chinense varieties can have a Scoville ranging from 100,000 to 1,000,000 SHU, so Apocalypse scorpion is should be really, really hot. As many Capsicum Chinense chilies, this one took it’s time to grow.
Apocalypse Scorpion Chocolate was not that hard to grow. As with most of my plants my strategy was to remove flowers early. This was done to let the plant grow as big and bushy as possible so that it would produce as many fruits as possible. When I did let it flower most of the flowers dropped but then the flowers started to become fruits!
I now have 10 pods, of which many are ripen already, in different sizes. As I previously mentioned, the time for the pods to grow is very long (slow-growing one). I am not sure what to do with the Apocalypse Scorpion Chocolate peppers. I think I may ferment them and make a hot sauce (may post a recipe, if I do). The taste is supposed to be nice of Chinense Capsicum peppers. I have never actually tasted, however.

Was growing Apocalypse Scorpion Chocolate worth it?
To summarize, Apocalypse Scorpion Chocolate was quite easy to grow and produce beautiful brownish pods with a scorpion stinger (and will probably be super hot and thus “stingy”). The first set of flowers dropped and, among all my plants, this chili plant dropped the most leaves. I will take the seeds out of some of the pods and definitely grow more apocalypse scorpion next season (with a better LED grow light and probably in my new grow tent).
If you have any suggestions what to do with these nasty looking chili fruits, let me know. If you wanna have a taste, let me know!
3 Replies to “Growing Chili: Beautiful Apocalypse Scorpion Chocolate”
I grew these last year, and the plant really produced, I ended up with a kilo of fruit off just one plant, I made sauces (a thick sauce and a chip dipping sauce), and dried a big batch of them after smoking them. Great flavour (yes insanely hot), and can be used in just about anything (Oil’s is a good use), and just 1/4 of a pepper spices up a curry to Phal level. Enjoy
Thanks for your comment! Apocalypse Scorpion Chocolate peppers are nice, indeed! I dried mine from last year and use them in stews. Delicious! Again, thanks for commenting.
I’m a crazy senior with lots of time on my hands and limited mobility so, of course, I decided to grow as many of the world’s hottest peppers including the Carolina Reaper, the Yellow Trinidad Scorpion, the Caribbean Red Hot Habanero, the Fatali, and some others including one that has some mild white Jalapeno-sized chilies and fiery red little ball chilies all on the same plant. I fully intend to sample an extremely tiny (think microscopic) piece of the Reaper just to say I did it. Mostly I plan to use these peppers in both savory and/or sweet recipes. There’s no doubt in my mind that, dried, all these peppers will keep nearly forever–just used up the last of my dried Thai Red Hots that were still kicking it after 19 years (no lie).